The case for music in education

Musical learning further supports all learning.


 “Clearly, music supports academic performance, and quality music programs are related to higher test scores.”
Dr. Christopher Johnson –  Associate dean of the School of Fine Arts at the University of Kansas.

Exam Results - With quality music education

Exam Results - Without quality music education

Music has consistently proven its value to the education system.  Studies reliable confirm a strong relationship between a students’ academic achievement and their participation in school music programs.

A study funded by NAMM Foundation in America collated data from 4,739 Elementary schools over four U.S regions in 2007. They found when schools invested in better music programs their students performed 22% better in English and 20% better in mathematics when compared to their peers in schools delivering deficient music programs.

Department for Education – A National Plan for Music Education.

“A number of studies have demonstrated the positive impact music can have on personal and social development, including increased self-reliance, confidence, self-esteem, sense of achievement and ability to relate to others”

“Evidence also suggests a link between mathematics and music, but there needs to be a stronger match between the skills being used – for example some types of music education can encourage improvement in some elements of maths more effectively than others. Studies have also shown a connection between music and increased scores in IQ. In both cases it is rhythmic music training that has been shown to make the greatest improvement”

A music-rich experience presents real benefits to children when delivered as part of their education, encouraging a balanced and well-rounded experience for your students and teachers. Even if a student doesn’t move on to have a career in the music or creative industries the proven benefits of music across all areas of study justifies the subjects place in our education system.